Lucas Hedgren

  • I am a voracious rules reader. Even stuff I don’t own/like/plan to own/think I’ll like.
  • I am an expansion whore. I feel the need to own “sets” or groups of game. If I cant come up with Elfengold someday, Ill have to get rid of Elfenland.
  • I find the “idea” of adventure games and multiplayer beat-em-ups is usually better than their execution. But when they are short and sweet (read Neuroshima Hex! or Nexus Ops) or well executed (Prophecy or Runewars) the disparity becomes ever so small.
  • I love games with a lot of “look ahead,” but with the tension of someone wrecking your plans. Hence my top game: Age of Steam.
  • I like sci-fi themes, but sci-fi games seem to not quite live up to their cool potential (except for Race for the Galaxy).
  • I have a big Heroscape collection, which sates my minis requirement.
  • I used to say that I loved ultra light or ultra heavy games, but I’ve come to appreciate those middle weight games like Alhambra, Carcassonne or Thurn and Taxis (with all expansions, of course).
  • Dice are a turn on, especially used in cool ways (Claustrophobia and Troyes are awesome recent examples).
  • One area I think I have some expertise is trick-taking. I don’t love Tichu (it’s more of a climber anyway) and I’m not particularly great at trick-taking, but I really like the different challenge that they present (Mu and The Bottle Imp are some faves).
  • I like games that have lots of luck, but lots of opportunities to mitigate or push that luck (Africa and Rum and Pirates are underrated.)
  • Doing the math behind games is fun sometimes too (Stone Age was a doozy).

Anyway, I hope to contribute some game reviews, articles, and comments here on the OG, that will hopefully be helpful to others, as well as thought provoking. Game on.