Larry Levy

Larry Levy is a prolific writer about gaming and the gaming scene. He has written articles and game reviews for Boardgame News, Counter, Gamers Alliance Report, The Games Journal, The Game Report, and other gaming periodicals. He is an active participant in online gaming web sites, user groups, and blogs and has administered the Meeples Choice Awards for the Spielfrieks user group since 2003. He has been a member of the International Gamers Awards committee since 2009.

Larry’s love of games began soon after his birth in 1956. At various times, he has enthusiastically embraced traditional boardgames, card games (including a 25 year love affair with Bridge), roleplaying games, Chess, sports simulations, and even a little wargaming. In 1998, an article in Games Magazine led him to Ken Tidwell’s wonderful Game Cabinet, which exposed him to the amazing world of German Gaming. They have been his principal love ever since.

Larry lives in Northern Virginia and works as a reliability engineer. His wife Sheryl tolerates his gaming excesses and they share their home with their two dogs Kinsey and Charlie. Larry is an active member of both the DC Gamers and the Arlington Board Gamers.